A Different approach to eye care Marketing

Stop asking, “How can we keep people from leaving the dispensary?” and start asking, “How can we attract the right people to begin with?”


Digital Marketing Services For Optometrists and Opticians Passionate about Independent Eyewear

SEO, Google Ads, social media, email marketing, “number one on Google”, you’ve heard all the typical digital marketing jargon; but here’s the secret…

None of it matters if you still worry about people walking out of the door to buy their eyewear online. 

At Spexcentic our focus is on helping you with what matters most: booking more appointments and selling more of the independent frames you love by attracting your ideal eyewear customers and eye care patients. 

The bottom line is your bottom line.


Our Approach

Eyewear customers and eye care patients are NOT the same. 

Overlooked by agencies and practice owners alike; optical is comprised of two businesses, each with its own distinct clientele. Eyewear customers and eye care patients have widely different motivations for seeking your services. The person eager to get his hands on the newest Jacques Marie Mage does not want to learn about blepharitis. Likewise, the patient inquiring about Ortho-K is not dying to see your Theo collection. 

If you are not getting the right message to the right people, not only will you struggle to reach your intended audience, but you’ll actually turn them away. Have you ever wondered why people will own 12 pair of shoes but only one pair of glasses? Well, there’s your answer in a nutshell.

At Spexcentric, we help identify your ideal customers and ideal patients and then tailor your marketing to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.

Your Website: The most important piece of the puzzle, the goal of your website, isn’t just to look pretty, nor is it just to inform. The most important function of your website is to convert—turn searches into appointments and site traffic into store traffic. To do that, your website needs to deliver the right message to the right people (remember the Jacques Marie Mage customer is not interested in blepharitis or shiny new imaging tech). We separate and tailor your website content so that we can use other digital marketing tools to drive the right traffic to the right place (ultimately, your front door). 

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): We optimize your website for search terms relevant to the people that care the most about your products and services, encompassing eye care and eyewear separately, helping you rank higher on search engine results pages, yes, but more importantly attract your ideal clients and ideal patients.

Content Marketing: Deliver engaging, high-quality content designed to educate your audience, build your brand’s authority, and drive traffic to your site. Our content marketing strategies cover everything from blog posts to infographics, each piece strategically focused on promoting your eye care services or eyewear offerings.

Email Marketing: Stay connected with your current and potential customers through personalized email campaigns. We create tailored email content designed to promote your services, showcase your eyewear collection, and nurture customer relationships, leading to improved customer retention and increased sales.

Google Ads: Leverage the power of paid search to reach your ideal customers when they’re actively looking for eye care services or independent eyewear. We manage your Google Ads campaigns, targeting keywords that drive appointments and foot traffic to maximize your return on investment.

Google Local Service Ads: Get found by local customers looking for eye care services and eyewear in your area. Our team manages your Google Local Service Ads, helping you boost local visibility, drive more foot traffic, and increase appointments.

Facebook Ads: Reach your target audience on one of the world’s most popular social media platforms. We create and manage Facebook ad campaigns that effectively promote your services and products, drive engagement, and convert users into customers.

Social Media Marketing: Enhance your online presence and engage with your audience across various social media platforms. We create compelling content, manage your profiles, and monitor engagement to help you build a loyal online community and promote your services and eyewear.

Appointment Booking: Streamline your booking process with our appointment booking services. We help you implement an intuitive, user-friendly online booking system, making it easy for customers to schedule appointments for eye care services at their convenience.

Review and Reputation Management: Manage your online reputation and build trust with potential customers. We monitor online reviews, respond to feedback, and implement strategies to encourage positive reviews, helping you maintain a strong, positive online presence.

Online Directory Management: Ensure your business information is accurate and consistent across all online directories. This helps improve your local SEO, makes it easier for customers to find you, and increases trust in your business.

Analytics and Call Tracking: Understand your marketing performance and make data-driven decisions. We provide detailed analytics reporting and call tracking services, giving you insight into which marketing efforts are driving results and where there’s room for improvement.

These services are designed to work together, creating a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that helps your independent eye care practice promote your services and eyewear, attract more customers, and grow your business.